St. Joseph Altar Society
Bourbon Street New Orleans
St. Joseph Day is March 19th. The annual event attendance has grown each year with over 650 people attending in 2019. The 2019 St. Joseph Day Altar was the 10th anniversary for the street festival after the devastating fire that occurred on Mardi Gras Day, February 16, 2010. The tradition of the home altar commenced at the Marino Residence in 1986 as a small gathering to honor St. Joseph and to give thanks for Tony’s passing of the Louisiana State Bar exam in 1985. Since that time the event has grown each year in size and number of attendees and devotees of St. Joseph.
The St. Joseph Altar Society needs the help and support of family, friends and the community to continue this tradition.
The St. Joseph Altar Society is reaching out for your assistance to underwrite this event to keep the event free and open to our many friends who honor St. Joseph. Donations can be made by check, payable to “St. Joseph Altar Society on Bourbon Street, Inc.” and mailed to (i) 1028 Bourbon Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70116; or (ii)via secure on-line transaction through Venmo, Cashapp, or PayPal.
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